7 Quick Takes is hosted by Jen @ Conversion Diary.
First of all we must never forget what today is the 8th anniversary of. I don't have the words to express how I feel about 9/11 and so just ask you to say a prayer.--2--
My sister called me yesterday! I haven't talked to her in months because we're both horrible at communicating. It was good to hear her voice and I was amazed by how much we had in common in only an hour's worth of conversation. I say this because Becky and I are like night and day. She is seven years older than I am and has a completely different set of beliefs. For one, she is Unitarian and I am an Anglican currently discerning a call to join the Tiber swim team. She also has much more liberal views than I do although I think we have similar beliefs for the extremely important issues.--3--
During that conversation talked about how some parents we know (not naming names here or implying anything!) let their toddlers run rampant and get away with just about anything. I am not intending to be snide or snarky here, just that it's something to think about. It is pretty interesting to discover just what kind of impact our parenting style has on our children. Hmmm.--4--
Lily seems to be getting better. Although I have not posted it here, my facebook friends know what I am talking about. We came home from vacation to find that Lily had tapeworms. A visit to the vet and one application of a topical medication and she's even a bit less lethargic. She's actually been very lovey lately which is unusual for this cranky old lady.--5--
Speaking of vacation, Mississippi is great. We went up to MSU to visit Alex and spent the rest of the time pretty much relaxing while George chased Grandma's cats around the house.
Did anyone notice my hint about a possibility of joining the "Tiber Swim Team"? This is something I have been mulling over quite a bit over the last year. More to come on this subject, I promise.--7--
And last but not least...Most of you probably know Sean was laid off last month (this is what prompted the Mississippi vacation). As of this posting, he is still unemployed. However, he has been getting several calls a day from headhunters, he has gone on several interviews, and he and a friend have even started their own internet image consulting business (more on this later). Please keep him, our family, and his business partner, Charles, in your prayers.
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